
Monday, April 5, 2010

Life Is No Longer A Team Sport

Thirty seven years, three months, and four days ago Haley Anne Mills was born. Four nurses and a doctor all commented on how Haley had the most beautiful bright blue eyes they had ever seen as they handed the seven pound girl to her mother. The tiny brown skin child nestled into her mother's waiting breast as a bond forged between them like no other on Earth. Although alone, frightened, and fatigued to her bones, her mother peered down at Haley and felt her soul fill with purpose.

Thirty one years ago, Haley clung tightly to her mother's loving hand and to a man's strong hand she only knew as Dad. They gently pushed her forward showering her with words of encouragement and reassurance. She held on reluctantly gently sobbing she didn't want to go. But in way only parents can do, they confidently convinced her forward. Finally, in slow unsure steps Haley moved forward gaining footing as she went off to her first day of school.

Twenty two years ago Haley went on a field trip with her class to visit sick children in the cancer ward of the local hospital. She held the hand of a girl only two years younger than Haley. "Why are you here?" Haley asked the frail bald child. "I'm sick," she said forcing the words out in a hoarse whisper. Not sure why she was crying, Haley held the girl's hand more firmly and asked, "Why are you sick?" The frail child willed the words out of her dry mouth, "I ask myself that everyday." Crying loudly and without embarrassment Haley stated, "I am going to be a great doctor when I grow up and there will never be sick children again!"

Eighteen years ago, a beautiful caramel skinned girl held her mother's shaking hands and gently kissed her wet cheeks whispering, "It'll be alright," in soft warm repeated phrases. She gently let go and hugged her dad for a brief moment afraid to linger for fear of losing her strength. She turned and opened her car door. Haley climbed in and slowly pulled away giving a slow wave as hot tears finally gave way. Her mom and dad choked away the heavy lumps in their throat and hugged each other while waving as they watched their baby girl drive off to college.

Ten years ago Haley walked into the same hospital she visited all those years ago where she met her inspiration. That inspiration had matured into her life's purpose. She now walked confidently down the hall introducing herself to nurses, patients, and anyone who would stop and listen. She began her residency with a passion and enthusiasm that few there had ever seen. She strode toward the cancer ward and decided to look in on patients before her shift began. Sadness overwhelmed her as she looked upon frail sick children not unlike her friend from many years ago. She turned with a renewed purpose and strode away to make her promise of many years ago come true.

Five years ago Haley Anne Mills became Haley Anne Ferguson. She held the hands of her lover, her friend, and her husband as she whispered the words "I do". This man, this completeness to her soul loved her like no other. She felt his love and knew he would never divert her from her purpose but only help her to achieve that dream as well as so much more. She worked tirelessly as a research scientist at the Center for Disease Control where gradual achievements had come slowly. But Haley knew so much more was ahead.

Thirteen months ago on the other side of the world a group of men sat in a circle. Hatred streamed from their lips as they discussed excitedly a plan to reign terror down on the infidels. Almighty Allah had granted them a weapon like never before. It sat before them in the tiniest of vials. It would not explode into a fiery ball or shake the ground when opened. Instead, when a single drop was dispersed on an inbound plane the unsuspecting occupants would carry the effects home to their loved ones who in turn would go off to school, work, or play and pass the demon on to person after person. In three days after incubation, a plague like no other in human history would bring the infidels to their knees.

Five months ago Haley jumped for joy. She had a breakthrough like never before. She sat behind a microscope and watched formally cancer ridden cells look normal and pure as from a baby's bottom. The drug, her drug, had worked far better and faster than even she had dared to dream. She knew more time was needed for testing, but in just a few short years, maybe months the drug would be available. She cried tears of joy, and tears of pain as she thought about that frail, bald child from so many years ago.

Four days ago a sick businessman from Ohio died. His illness had set on rapidly and violently and he passed away in thirty six hours. This odd death confounded the local doctors enough to alert CDC about the conditions. A response plan rapidly kicked in place and after twenty four hours of frantic tissue testing and analysis CDC came on Code Red alert status. All top research scientist were gathered immediately on national security status. Haley, being one of the most revered research scientist in the nation, arrived and was quickly briefed on the situation. With a frantic study of the diseased tissue, she made a shocking discovery. The diseased tissue looked surprisingly similar to cancer cells she had studied for so many years. In an effort to find some sort of weapon quickly to battle the fast moving plague, she tried the very drug she created. To her shock and the utter joy of the team scientist with her, the reversal of the disease effect was miraculous. By sheer luck, a huge reserve of the drug had been manufactured for release in just a few days originally designed for cancer treatment. A plan was quickly set into place for immediate mass distribution for the impending explosion of the oncoming plague. It looked as if disaster was going to be averted by the sheer will and life's work of one person.

Today, at this very moment, as far as I know there is no impending plague. There is also no Haley Anne Mills Ferguson. She was aborted. She never existed. She was only one of a million could have been possibilities extinguished by a choice. Choice...the word bastardized to sound like personal freedom. Life is not like an individual sport. It requires the help of others. It is supposed to be a team sport. That's why we called ourselves a society complete with varied and distinct cultures. Today in our world of what about me players, life is no longer a team sport. The irony of our personal choices affecting so many others will someday come to bear on us in a horrific way possibly like the one above. Have you ever stopped to wonder how many Einsteins, Lincolns, Mother Theresas, Martin Luther Kings, or Haley Anne Mills Fergusons we have aborted because life is no longer a team sport?


  1. i know we already talked about this post but i'll list my thoughts:

    1) what about all the potential rapists and murderers who have been aborted (and i understand your viewpoint one hundred percent but just for clarity's sake).

    2) i think the title works - it made sense to me for what that's worth lol!

    3) what would you tag this as? editorial piece?

    i think it's a cohesive piece but i'm still stuck on the "will" in the second line of the last paragraph. maybe switch that with "may" and see if you like it.

    yay for your second post!! i'm glad you're sticking with it and i can't wait to see what's next!! love you!

  2. Loved the post! I can't wait to read the next post, keep writing.

  3. That's pretty powerful. That is an interesting implication that Ericka makes ... for every hero that ceases to be, how many villains do as well?

  4. Thanks Maria for reading my blog. I know it was in our wedding vows so you have too...

    Thanks Ericka for the critique and all the promo on your blog. Got your invoice today. Is advertising on your blog deductible...sure to hell hope so cause the second mortgage to cover your charges is a bitch...

    Thanks the most to Mungee's Ma mainly because you are not family. Therefore, I must presume you're being held hostage and tortured by being forced to read a newbie's blog. Regardless of the reason thanks a ton. Oh...points deducted for saying Ericka has a point. Like she needs a bigger head for that skinny body. Besides, I like to think that there is a little hero and villain in all of us. To me, it's more fair to make that judgment at the end of one's life rather than at the beginning. Hey...maybe that's what God does! Something to think about...Slap your kidnapper for me and come again when you get the chance...

  5. bwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    and if i didn't charge so much how do you think i'd be able to afford this gold plated neck brace that keeps my big head from snapping my neck in two? einstein.

  6. I like you. I will be back. Again. I give Ericka the love in hopes that she'll put up a link to my blog. She's more popular than me. I'm not popular. I wrote a post about it.
